Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol' is a fantastic read. Apart from the obvious fact that his books are hugely engaging and entertaining
- this one is no different - there is another theme of this book that interests me.
He deals upon the subject of Noetic Science and this has just captured my attention so completely. There are a lot of theories that
I believe to be true and have always done so - more in faith than in factual evidence. This book goes a long way to proving some of
those faiths to be truths. He passes over the idea of Entanglement theory. That we are all connected together in this whole unit
and that our combined presence has the ability to change realities. That the one most powerful gift we have as a human race is
that which we already hold. Our minds can create matter, our thoughts can change our worlds if only we were awake to be able to do
it. We have a wealth of knowledge hidden in plain sight and access to wisdom if we would only choose to see it. I have a lot of
belief in ideas like this and this element of the book has only helped to propel my interest and make this an even more exceptional
Link to buy the book on Amazon here.
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