Monday, 2 August 2010
Monday, 31 May 2010
Artists Wanted
Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Chalk Man on sidewalks
Emily Rotter's blog
Monday, 1 February 2010
Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol'

Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol' is a fantastic read. Apart from the obvious fact that his books are hugely engaging and entertaining
50 people, 1 question - Youtube

This is just beautiful. The way it is edited and the energy and thought behind it. It is purely beautiful. I would urge everyone to watch this.
Flak Photo
Sally Mann - What Remains

Sally Mann's 'What Remains' is a very inspirational DVD about her life and her work. She speaks about her work gone by, her children and new work. It is a very personal insight, with views of the relationship between her and her husband and the effect of his illness in their lives. It is an interesting watch for anyone, even with no interest in photography, but phenomenally fascinating if you do happen to have an interest. Her life is inspiration to me. The idea that you can have the life you want - live in the country with a massive house and have your family so close while still pursing and achieving a respectable career is massively inspiring. The place of my life that I find myself in, I feel that the combination of these things is always a sacrifice that has to be considered so I am very welcoming to the idea that they can be combined harmoniously.
J. K Rowling Graduation Speech Harvard 2008

I have just come across this very moving speech by J.K Rowling at a Harvard graduation ceremony 2008. Her views on entering the world from the safe place of education and the impact that you can have on the world is inspiring and devout. Being a recent graduate myself, it reaffirms the need I have to succeed and questions what my version of success and merit is. I do believe that her speech comes from the heart and will impact for all that listen to it, whether they were there or not, intended for or not.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Intended Consequences: Rwandan Children Born of Rape Photographs by Jonathan Torgovnik

Intended Consequences: Rwandan Children Born of Rape
Michael Itkoff

Federico Grandicelli
I have met a fascinating photographer called Federico, who as you can imagine is Italian. He is new to NY and has started to document the city with a real eye for composition and flare. His photos have an atmosphere created by the panoramic format that he uses. His website is under construction but still has very worthy things to look at even in it's unfinished structure.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Jennette Williams - The Bathers
This is the 2nd time I have looked at Jennette Williams, The Bathers and I have enjoyed it this time as much as the last. It is a beautiful depiction of the female form and becomes almost painterly in its delicacies. For me I think its the fragility to which these women appear, vulnerable but yet comfortable - it feels like a safe place. The relationship in knowing that the photographer is a woman also goes along way in my opinion to understanding the connotations intentions of this work . It is a beautiful set of photographs.

Monday, 25 January 2010
Nicole Kenney

Daylight Magazine Issue 8

Richard Misrach Gallery Opening at Pace Wildenstein 14th Jan 10

Palm Springs Photo Festival 2010 March 28th - April 2nd
THE JOEL MEYEROWITZ MASTER CLASS: The Search For Identity. The Joel Meyerowitz workshop will be divided into the two ways of seeing that are at the heart of most photographic activity; walking the streets anywhere in the world and being out in nature. You will spend four days shooting with Joel on the local streets and out in nearby wilderness. You will have an opportunity to better understand how instinct, on the street, plays a role in defining who you are, as a person and as an artist; the same is true of the way we experience ourselves in nature and why we feel compelled to make photographs about its mystery and magnitude. This is a FULL FOUR-DAY WORKSHOP. Click Here for Full Details.
Monday, March 29 – Thursday, April 1. 9:00am – 4:00pm
Price: $1000

Picture Black Friday